Here’s where things get tricky: Some integration platforms are code-first. Such platforms will provide some connector APIs, but your developers will have to write and maintain all the business logic in code, which is an effort that quickly adds up. Others are “low-code light”— they’ll handle some rudimentary business logic visually, but developers will have to heavily augment with script or workaround the limitations entirely with code. Either way is less than optimal for speed, efficiency, and maintainability. “With our low-code embedded platform, we’re able to build integrations without the need to compete for engineering roadmap time. We’ve been able to deploy four times as fast” — Will Clifford, Director of Product, Integrations, LeafLink Learn more Finally, there’s developer-grade low-code, which gives your team the power to build a substantial amount of integration logic visually, while requiring minimal code augmentation. It typically provides the best integration velocity with the least effort. And it’s often also easier to maintain (because integration workflows aren’t buried in code). Developer-grade low-code integration speeds delivery What to look for in developer-grade low-code integration development The best way to assess a solution is to get hands-on, and compare tools based on developer velocity. Look for free trials to see whether development or product management can build 7

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