Evaluation tip: Services-led integrations may have a broader array of integration pattern needs depending on customer SOW. The scope for such projects may range from bulk- data integration for analytics, to real-time data flows, or triggering integrations from webhooks or application triggers—so it’s a good idea to ensure your embedded integration platform is flexible enough to handle all such use cases. Ensure your platform can handle both delivery models Some embedded integration platforms are code-centric. They’ll provide a whole set of REST APIs designed to ease connectivity. But because code-centric platforms are primarily for developers, such platforms are typically light on providing flexible tooling for low-code integration development. So, while code-centric platforms may work for productized integrations, such platforms are ultimately impractical for services-led integrations— because coding and maintaining each specific customer integration is too technical, time- consuming, and maintenance intensive. Other embedded integration platforms are specifically for services-led integrations (often with roots in IT-led delivery). Services-first platforms may provide tooling for visual integration development, but are a poor fit for productized integrations. For example, such platforms may have legacy APIs that make embedding a poor fit with your more-modern codebase, or they may be hard to customize for look and feel, or they may lack a self- service component for in-product activation. Ensure your integration platform can handle multiple delivery models 21

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