While a standard integration is available between remove attributes that were no longer being used. With the two integrations to date, Tray manages five Clearbit, the company that AdRoll uses to provide This led to out-of-date information in AdRoll’s million pieces of data for AdRoll each week. Ritz the website rank and other enrichment data, and Salesforce opportunity records and, consequently, knows that he can easily increase the volume and Salesforce, that integration couldn’t support AdRoll unhappy sales teams. Ritz used Tray to rapidly type of data he’s automating and integrating with because of how the company uses the opportunity create an integration between BuiltWith and Tray. “We used to track only a handful of attributes, field. AdRoll needed an easy, fast way to accurately Salesforce that correctly refreshes the data and and now we’re tracking upwards of 240,” says Ritz. refresh the website rank for approximately 650,000 removes it when attributes are no longer being “That’s because adding a new attribute to track is Salesforce opportunities on a weekly basis. used. so easy with Tray.” Solution: Use Tray.io to create flexible and Results: Enriched, fresh, and accurate Tray helps Ritz and the rest of the revenue powerful integrations opportunity data drives success operations group make sales and marketing Based on a referral from Clearbit, AdRoll turned to Today, the 200 strong sales and marketing processes run as efficiently as possible and Tray.io to help it solve its integration problem. Tray organization has the data it needs to target top deliver everything needed to maximize revenue is an API integration platform that uses no-code opportunities with the greatest propensity to opportunities. “Tray is the most powerful and configuration to empower business people to convert, based on website rank and attribute data. flexible process management tool out there,” says integrate and automate processes. “We used to get a lot of complaints that sales and Ritz. “Any time you have a use case where two marketing didn’t have the data they needed to systems need to talk to each other, Tray is ideal.” Tray helped Ritz create the integration, then test succeed,” says Ritz. “We don’t hear that anymore.” and deploy it. The result is a flow within Tray that runs each weekend and checks every opportunity website in the Salesforce database against the Clearbit database, refreshing and enriching the data if needed. With the website rank problem solved, Ritz quickly Tray is the most powerful and flexible process identified the next use case for Tray: updating analysis data on other website attributes in management tool out there. Anytime you have a use Salesforce. “We can correlate these attributes with case where two systems need to talk to each other; Tray the propensity to convert,” says Ritz. “The data we use for this comes from BuiltWith, which analyzes is ideal. website source code to identify various website characteristics.” Brendon Ritz, AdRoll previously used custom code to take data Marketing Operations Lead from BuiltWith and put it into Salesforce, but the code didn’t include the logic needed to identify and 20

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