Authentication and user access Authentication is the key to unlock access to APIs. Again, if you can’t authenticate, you can’t automate. While some authentication features are black and white in that either a vendor offers them or not, there are some features that grey and are more related to ease of use. These authentication features can have the ability to improve productivity. Standard Occasional Unique Credential-based authentication OAuth-based authentication API credential keychain This feature is as simple as typing in your login Some cloud applications use this open standard A keychain manages access to all of your apps and password to access the API of a particular for access delegation. Companies such as Amazon, in a central place. This feature can save time service. Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter use from having to enter authentication credentials OAuth. multiple times across different automations. Token-based authentication Some services control API access by granting a Permission scope controls unique token (usually a long string of letters and This feature makes it as easy to manage access numbers) to a user. That way you don’t have to to certain parts of your apps’ API as clicking a enter your login and password into a third-party checkbox. software. Multiple authentications per workflow In multi-step workflows, it’s often necessary to access various accounts. Multi-user access Manage user access and permissions. 27

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