Overcoming Objections Her e are recommendations on overcoming typical objections to moving forward with a General Automation Platform. Objection Handle We have to implement software X first, before It’s possible that a General Automation Platform can help you be more successful transitioning to a new starting this project. software. Often, you’ll need to integrate that shiny new application into your stack. And if you need to integrate, a GAP can help you move data into new apps and out of old ones. We don’t have the bandwidth to manage GAPs are easy to manage because of their intuitive drag-and-drop interface. That said, your vendor may another application. offer managed services to configure and administer your instance as a way to offload the work. We don’t have the budget to move forward. Use your ROI estimate to show how the investment will pay for itself over a calculated payback period. Don't underestimate the time and resource it can take to develop sophisticated integration and Our CTO thinks he can build this in-house. automation software from scratch. The time to value will be significantly longer than using a ready to go GAP. Also, there will be maintenance and upgrades requiring ongoing resources. Wouldn't your scarce resources be better applied to core competencies like building up your product and services? 40

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