Automated organizations grow revenue faster More ROI as organizations mature in their use of Effective sales streamliners increase company revenue at 2.2x the rate of All Others, YOY. GAPs Streamlining Sales Workflows – The Killer Competency The benefits of a General Automation Platform 14% 13.3% depend on where your organization is in the 12.5% technology maturity curve. Companies that are 12% EEffffeeccttiivvee SSaalleess SSttrreeaammlliinneerrss AAllll OOtthheerrss more mature in their use of GAPs will see a higher year10% - impact from their investment. 8% 7.9% 7.9% over 6.2% - 6% 5.7% 5.6% • Level 1: Point-to-point integration 4.6% 3.9% 4% 3.6% 2.7% • Level 2: Multiple point-to-point integrations 2% 0.8% improvement year 0.1% within a department 0% -2% -0.8% • Level 3: Multi-app, multi-step integrated Percent -2.6% -4% -3.3% workflows Total company Overall attainment Average deal Profit margin Customer Average sales Annual sales Customer -6% revenue of organization- size / contract retention rate cycle length employee turnover acquisition wide sales global value (shortened) (reduced) cost (reduced) • Level 4: Core system of one department Source: Aberdeen, ”The competitive edge in effectively streamlined sales workflows” • Level 5: Multi-department workflows • Level 6: Company-wide standard Use-case specific improvements GAPs contribute to gains in worker productivity Depending on your particular use cases for a GAP GAPs can eliminate wasted time by staff on any We see companies progress through these levels you could see improvements in many different manual process involving moving or manipulating reasonably rapidly. It’s not uncommon for an business metrics. Here are just a few measure data. For example, if your marketing managers organization to mature from level one to level six improvements by Tray customers: regularly have to load lead lists into their marketing in twelve month time. This progression means that automation platform then a GAP can free up that organizations can see an acceleration in ROI over • measured an increase in the time to be applied to more valuable tasks. time. conversion rate of marketing qualified leads to sales qualified leads. GAPs improve process agility Lower software costs • AdRoll measured a 13% improvement in sales Because GAPs provide a central place to manage GAPs often lower software costs for companies team appointments all integrations and automation, you can rapidly due to the following: • Vox Media estimated a 20X reduction in lag time iterate your processes. Reduce the need to buy additional users licenses to create a new customer on-boarding project to other software The benefits you will see depend on the process Reduce the number of single-purpose applications that you automate. in your stack 36

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