Getting stakeholder buy-in to move forward Once that you are convinced that investing in a General Automation Platform makes sense, then your task turns to persuade executives and stakeholders in your organization to support a decision. Use this section to create a game plan to align company priorities and make your dream of automation a reality. Do you and your department have credibility? Create a financial case that aligns with Offer proof-points The first step is a situational assessment of your management objectives Use case studies, analyst research, and standing in your organization. Does your role Before meeting with executives, understand how other proof to bolster your business case for have responsibility for process improvement? Do an investment in a GAP aligns with management investment. Doing so will boost the confidence you have the trust of the organization to make objective on a qualitative and quantitative basis. that your executives will have about you and the investments? Do you have the authority to sign Create a high-level spreadsheet that estimates proposal. Give them a reason to believe. agreements? If not, who do you need to go to the project ROI get approval? If you haven’t had the experience and levers. Have a roll-out plan ready of buying a software platform before in your Be prepared for success. Create a project organization, interview someone who has been Ask discovery questions that uncover interests timeline with milestones. Outline resources successful in acquiring tools in your organization. and objections required. Before going into “hard sell” mode, uncover Determine management objectives the interests of your stakeholders. Ask them Discover the objectives of your executive team smart discovery questions that will show what and management. Are they more concerned a successful project could look like. Also, with top-line revenue growth or bottom-line understand if there are any hot-button issues cost reduction? Look at any company-wide that could derail your investment in a General communications that outline the priorities for Automation Platform. your organization. A little bit of reading can help you formulate smart discovery question before meeting with executives. 38

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