Who uses general automation platforms? Businesses of all sizes are embracing General Automation Platforms. As long as a company has two or more applications that contain data or functionality that is part of a more extensive business process, General Automation Platforms can be useful. Industry adopters at some point. The question is, will data flow The other substantial power-user base is The earliest adopters of General Automation automatically through those junctures, or will comprised of administrators for one or more core Platforms were technology and media companies, it cause process deficiencies that frustrate applications. Fine-tuning the performance within but organizations across all industries have since employees? applications is challenging enough; however, discovered their value. the modern application administrator must also To help prevent the latter scenario, the following fine-tune performance between applications. The ability to quickly build out and automate departments, in particular, have turned their Workflows are not confined to individual apps, processes between disparate applications sights to General Automation Platforms: which means app administrators are increasingly translates to greater control over workflows with • Marketing being encouraged to zoom out of silos and less development, which is an industry-agnostic • Sales manage apps more holistically. benefit. • Support • Operations Adoption among departments • Engineering A diverse base of professionals has begun to • IT champion General Automation Platforms, partly • Finance because there is not a significant learning curve • HR associated with using it effectively. By distilling Top users and what they can do with General otherwise complex integrations into an intuitive, Automation Platforms user-friendly interface, self-service automation becomes a reality. Today’s general automation platform power users tend to hold operations roles such as marketing Most departments within an organization rely ops, sales ops, support ops, business operations heavily on data that originates in a broad swath and developer ops. This is primarily because of applications, and not all of these applications these professionals are ingrained in workflows are confined to a single department. Workflows that rely heavily on the timely movement of between sales and marketing, for instance, accurate, up-to-date data between critical and sales and support are expected to overlap applications. 13

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