Logical operators Logical operators are the brains behind workflows. They decide what to do with the data that is flowing along your workflow. Conceptually, logical operators are similar to formulas and functions available in spreadsheets. Standard Occasional Unique Data mapper Branch Boolean condition Easily map data between steps in Compare a single value against Use powerful “if/then” logic and run part of your workflow only some of the your workflow; join or transform multiple different options and follow time. the data type. the match. CSV Call workflow Get CSV file details, get rows from Break up large workflows, pass data between workflows, and reuse one CSV files and parse CSV text. workflow in multiple workflows. HTTP client Data storage Make a REST-based request to a Store data for recall between steps. specified URL. Delay FTP client Set a time delay on an event to begin when you need it. Download a file or list all files in a directory in both FTP and SFTP. Loop collection Extract fundamental data points out of arrays or objects. Send mail Use a workflow to send emails to Mustache template yourself or anyone else. Use the template connector to pass data through a mustache template. Script Write custom code and execute a block of JavaScript code synchronously or asynchronously. Map data between historical steps Use the data from any previous workflow step later in your workflow. List handling Lists at higher scale, including pagination and volume. 30

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