[7] What causes breakdowns about half are doing anything about it . Here’s time are you spending on manual processes in the lead lifecycle? the problem: your most important marketing daily, such as vetting lead spreadsheets, or applications probably aren’t seamlessly copy-pasting lead data from one source to Here are some of the most prominent challenges integrated to the customized use cases you another? Manual lead management processes that prevent marketers from following up with need for your organization. This means your cause many challenges, like introducing leads fast enough? Within 5 minutes?: most important lead data remains locked human error, not to mention eating up tons of up within each of your apps. Without robust time, which means your response time gets • Siloed data - A recent survey of 400 executives integrations, none of your individual apps can longer and makes you significantly less likely found that 87% of companies feel their data is provide important insights on the full picture to convert. [5] of how your leads engaged with you...and the siloed among different sources - locked up in various applications or databases with no way best way to follow up. So how can marketers tackle these challenges to take action on it. This is frequently the case without having to resort to time-consuming, for marketers, whose lead and customer data • Process breakdowns - Research suggests error-prone manual work? locked up in their MAP isn’t necessarily synced that 60% of sales professionals spend at least with data in their CRM, outbound solution, an hour on manual data entry daily. How much or elsewhere. Not having unified, synced data leads to constant lead management headaches, including duplicate lead lists that incorrectly inflate lead counts, routing leads at the wrong stage to the wrong destination, or accidentally continuing to contact leads that have opted out. • Poor integrations - One of the most common causes of data silos is a lack of robust integrations - connections among software apps at the API level - among marketers’ tech stacks. While some surveys find that 97% of marketers believe tech integrations are More than 60% of sales professionals spend at least an hour on important for growth[6], others show that only manual data entry daily. 5

How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle - Page 5 How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle Page 4 Page 6