What to look for in Embedded APIs - Solutions management. When your product team creates integration templates that users can activate in-product, you’ll need a programmatic way of querying available integrations for display. Cue uses its embedded platform APIs to list out integrations in-product - User management. Look for APIs that return your end customer user IDs, and can enable creation/delete/update of users (and other areas), so you have complete control of your end customers’ access, in-product - Authentication management. It must be easy for developers to create a new user authentication for a service (for example, to Dropbox or Airtable) within your app and delete it when needed. - Updates and version management. The integrations your team builds will change over time. As such, you must ensure you have access to APIs that flag changes to integrations, such as when end users require new information and parameters. You’ll also want APIs to push integration upgrades with new config data, if needed, automatically. - Integration management. This one goes without saying, but be sure your vendor’s platform makes APIs available to activate integrations based on your end user’s preferred configuration and parameters (with the ability to delete when no longer needed). - Data query. Another valuable feature to look for: Robust APIs to pull data from a particular service connector operation and display it within your app. As an example, a specific end user of your embedded application might need to display all the ‘warm’ Salesforce leads assigned to them for a sales use case, or display all customers with overdue payment balances for a services/finance use case. 16

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