7. Drill into maintenance, monitoring, and management Whether you plan on deploying integrations to tens, hundreds, or thousands of customers, ensuring you can effectively manage, maintain, and monitor your embedded integration platform is crucial to avoiding operational costs and CSAT issues. Look for integration to application performance monitoring (APM) tools Built-in analytics to monitor performance can be helpful, but it’s typically better to stream logs to dedicated third-party services for maximum operational visibility at scale. Look for integration platforms that provide built-in log streaming to simplify output workflow performance, executions, and trends to services such as Datadog, Sentry, New Relic, or Kibana for further analysis, and so that you can display statistics in a meaningful dashboard. Monitoring an embedded integration using log streaming in Datadog Consider the importance of visual error handling Every integration you deploy should have robust error handling built-in to exit gracefully, continue, or alert the team on a failure. Unfortunately, if your error handling is buried in code, your technical support teams will often find it challenging to provide support. Your engineering team will also find it hard to continuously improve your integrations in order to consistently deliver for your customers, especially if there are potential error conditions hidden on different steps and branches of the flow. 17

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