What is an embedded integration platform anyway? Embedded integration platforms empower software companies or services organizations to deliver integrations to their customers (end customers) quickly, efficiently, and seamlessly. They include low-code tools, connectors, and APIs to enable software company developers to rapidly deliver reusable in-product integrations, and for services/implementation teams to deliver ad hoc, bespoke integrations if needed. They’re designed to be rebranded with embeddable components that developers can use to add integration to their products that guide end-users through configuring and self-activating integrations in-product or through a marketplace. Finally, they provide governance, compliance, elasticity, and control so that providers can deliver integrations to their customers securely and at scale. 10 benefits of using an embedded integration platform Since you’re reading this guide, you’ve probably already settled on using an embedded integration platform to deliver your customer integrations. But what you may not realize is using a platform designed to streamline and accelerate customer integration delivery can provide even broader benefits. 1. Free up your engineering team from time-consuming integrations. Building integrations for different apps from the ground up, connecting to ever-changing REST endpoints, and managing authentications can seriously drain engineering resources. Using an embedded integration platform instead can typically boost developer productivity by more than 60%. 2. Accelerate your integration velocity. Building integrations in-house isn’t just resource- intensive; it’s slow going and code-intensive. Embedded integration platforms, especially those that incorporate low-code, can provide a velocity boost of 4X or more. 3. Focus your engineering team on your core product. Engineering resources are more valuable than ever, which is why you don’t want them tied up customizing integrations for specific customers. Even worse, once you commit your engineering team to building an integration internally, you’ve also committed them to go back and maintain it forever as different apps in the tech stack update their APIs over time. Embedded integration platforms cut out the painstaking integration builds and endless maintenance so the team can focus on core platform features and differentiators. 4

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