Make finance flow with control Enhance HR and improve Specialized industries with especially rigorous, people operations meticulous processes can also benefit from the Human resource professionals juggle many cloud ability to control the automated flow of data applications and many processes. The key to between applications. happy and productive employees is a smooth, • Automatically gather and consolidate diligence consistent, and professional processes. With artifacts that are needed for risk management General Automation Platforms you can: and vendor management. • Automate the new employee on-boarding • Automate secure movement of data through process. your organization in such a way that it complies • Updates to employee status in HCM software with the law. can automatically trigger credential revokes, • Recommend new financial services through account terminations, and other processes. comprehensive product utilization monitoring. • File access management can be automated. • Connect payment data to your support systems • Alerts can be triggered when employees change to ensure that the support team isn’t wasting or interact with privileged information. time supporting non-paying customers. • New employee data can be funneled directly With General Automation Platforms, finance from an application tracking system into your benefits from a central source of control of HCM software. the flow of sensitive finance data while also empowering the business with vital information. • Automate the employee off-boarding process. Automating these processes frees up time that can be reallocated toward longer-term, judgment-based goals: respectively, retain customers, and retain employees. 9

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