What are the benefits of general automation platforms? Benefits of a general automation platform vary assured that the many disparate products offered widely depending on the use-cases in which they can be automated with a general automation are used. Holistically, GAPs reduce tedious and platform. costly manual efforts to de-silo data and make use of it. But more importantly, GAPS enable You can consolidate the number of point companies to do things that couldn’t be done solutions in your stack by adopting General before. Automation Platforms. GAPS have abstracted many of the standard software capabilities GAPs streamline processes that touch multiple such as conditional logic, data storage, and data applications within a department or across formatting so that you may find a general purpose departments. This capability allows workflow and flexible tool can replace many single-purpose builders to leverage their most critical software applications. features to optimize operations in less labor- intensive ways. So companies see general automation tools as a way to grow faster and more efficiently. In a general automation platform, data flows between applications are controlled through simple front-end interfacing rather than through custom-built, backend integrations. This improvement makes it much easier for a company to scale its processes as the organization grows. With GAPs companies no longer need to avoid buying best of breed solutions because they are not integrated into their stack. Similarly, businesses buying from mega-vendors can rest 10

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