Benefits for marketers: higher Benefits for sales: increased Benefits for customer success: contribution to revenue revenue with higher happier customers, happier As an example of automation’s potential, productivity agents consider its demonstrable benefits for marketers. Sales process refinement is the most lucrative With so many customers and customer support According to Aberdeen, an analyst firm: form of enablement in modern business. channels to manage General Automation • Best-in-class marketers are 74% more likely to According to Aberdeen, sales streamliners Platforms help support professionals tame have a strongly integrated system of marketing increase company revenue at 2.2 times the the chaos by automating the flow of customer- technology solutions. rate of all other types of streamliners. Example related data. So you can spend more time with benefits include the following: customers and less time tripping over technology. • Marketing contributed 53% more to year-over- Here are just a few benefits that GAP customers year revenues for organizations using well- • Less time researching leads due to better data are seeing. integrated systems. enrichment. Here are benefits from specific marketing use • More efficient sales reps due to more qualified • Lower customer churn rates due to cases. opportunities routed more efficiently. improvements in proactive monitoring of customer health. • An increased conversion rate of marketing • More upsell potential because of better insights • More efficient customer success reps due to qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads into usage and happiness of current customers. the centralization of data from many different (SQL). There are many more benefits that sales systems. • Increased sales team appointments by 13%. organizations are seeing from the adoption of • Measured improvements in customer General Automation Platforms. The only limit is satisfaction to do faster response times and • Higher email open and response rates due to your imagination for improving processes and improved personalization. inventing new ones. quality of interaction. • Save time for thousands of employees to more • Better alignment to revenue retention due efficient event management. to SLA and payment-status integration and automation. There are many potential benefits to marketers depending on how many workflows you automate Customer success doesn’t live in a silo and and the size and scale your operation. GAPs help bridge the flow of information across organizations. 11

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