NOTE: Again, this lead-to-account-matching Part VI: (The End!) Convert • Salesforce - Convert Lead: If, as the result of workflow is just for example. It would be if an exact match is found, the previous Boolean loop, the workflow finds possible to have the next steps after this route an exact match for the lead’s company name, it the lead to sales. and close out the process then converts the lead within CRM and closes out the process. If it fails to find an exact • If “False” - Salesforce - Exact Match? Since the workflow has already determined match (after having previously failed to also [Domain]: Having failed to make a fuzzy that the lead is “worth” pursuing, that it does find a fuzzy match), it does nothing, having company match for this new lead, it then not already exist within Salesforce, and that its effectively determined that it’s not possible to performs an exact match query in Salesforce. company name does not have a fuzzy match in convert at this time. Salesforce, the workflow closes out the process • Boolean If/Then - Exact Domain Match based on whether the lead’s company name has NOTE: Again, while this example lead-to- Found?: The workflow then runs another if/ an exact match in Salesforce. account matching workflow ends here, with a then step to determine which action should be GAP, it could easily contain additional steps, taken after running an exact match query for or cascade into a different workflow, that the lead’s company in Salesforce. then continues the follow-up process, such as routing leads to sales via a round-robin process or divvied up by other business rules like territory assignments. Many rapidly-growing companies and enterprises build automated workflows like this to instantly fuzzy-match and exact-match leads to accounts. Advertising leader AdRoll uses a GAP to integrate leads from multiple sources, enrich them, and prepare them for sales, driving 13% more sales appointments. 20

How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle - Page 20 How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle Page 19 Page 21