The past: Use a lead-to- verify every new lead. And they know that 50% account matching tool, of sales go to the vendor that responds first. or try your luck at manual How to build custom CRM matching integrations to automate Unfortunately, up until very recently, there lead-to-account matching weren’t many options to tackle this problem. Again, the biggest problems that arise in • Use a lead-to-account-matching tool: While managing lead-to-account matching are: Example use case: Lead- there are some tools out there that can • Point solutions might handle matching well, handle the task of lead-to-account matching, but can’t do much else to-account matching they sadly can’t handle all the other data- within Salesforce related tasks that not only cost sales teams • Lack of native integrations to other apps leads thousands of hours every year, but also cause to delays before and after matching • Most companies use a CRM such as expensive delays in getting leads to sales in Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Sugar, or the first place, such as lead enrichment and • Manually digging through accounts slows Oracle CX as a system-of-record to store lead lead routing. In other words, an out-of-the-box sales follow-up and jeopardizes deals and account info and record sales stages. lead-to-account matching tool might solve one • Hours of wasted time your sales team could’ve Unfortunately, many marketing and sales piece of the puzzle, but it won’t solve the larger spent winning deals teams find themselves spending far too much problem of sales reps wasting hours wrangling time popping in and out of their CRM instance data. They also lack native integrations to A GAP solves these problems by offering robust to manually update lead and account info as continue the lead lifecycle process once integrations with any cloud-based app, and part of non-revenue processes, like verifying matching is complete. the ability to automate processes like lead-to- whether a seemingly “new” lead is already • Try to handle the problem manually: You account matching, enrichment, uploads, and part of an existing account. Using a General could certainly ask your sales reps to be more others. Let’s walk through an example of using a Automation Platform, you can automate lead- conscientious about confirming new leads GAP to automate lead-to-account matching in to-account matching and never waste your against existing accounts. But you know their Salesforce, complete with options for fuzzy name sales teams’ time (or get confused customer job isn’t to dig through account structures to matching and filtering out probable spam emails. emails) again. 16

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