Section 1: Lead Management Overview Lead Management: How to Master the Lead Lifecycle Need to convert more leads? Here’s the biggest hidden problem in lead management For marketers, lead management is a serious But did you know that one of the most important Up to 50% of all prospects will choose the [2] challenge, and the most important aspect is factors when qualifying and converting more vendor that responds first . Following up converting leads to opportunities. Research leads isn’t something you solve with more within an hour makes marketers 7x more likely suggests that the top priority of 69% of strategic programs or cleverly-designed to qualify leads - that is, to have “a meaningful [1] [3] marketers is converting leads . campaigns? It’s speed. Specifically, how quickly conversation with a key decision maker.” (In you follow-up with leads after your first touch. comparison, the average response time for all If you work in marketing, you probably don’t need [4]) leads is 42 hours . fancy reports to come to this conclusion. Even though it’s always important to feed the top of your funnel with net-new leads, pushing new leads through to opportunity and closed-won stages is probably also a priority for your team (if not the priority). So how do you push more leads down-funnel? You probably already have ideas on this one, too. Important tactics include nurture programs, segmenting and prioritizing the best leads for sales, creating buyer persona- specific content, and optimizing your sales development outreach. Marketers’ top priority is converting leads to customers. 3

How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle - Page 3 How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle Page 2 Page 4