Dorman. “I can’t emphasize enough just how good putting them into Slack. the Tray folks are at what they do.” - Enriching Salesforce Service Cloud data Phase II Solution: Continue automating across Using Tray, DigitalOcean enriches Salesforce the marketing stack service cloud accounts with core data to With the initial integration under its belt, provide a single source of truth for customer DigitalOcean began what it views as phase II of relationships. After starting small with one its Tray journey. Explains Andy Hattemer, Senior segment of accounts, DigitalOcean now enriches Growth Marketing Manager and Tray user and millions of accounts in Salesforce using Tray. evangelist at DigitalOcean, “We’re constantly - Collecting Net Promoter Scores at finding new and interesting use cases for Tray greater scale segmentation. That’s when Dorman and his team within our organization. In terms of value from the DigitalOcean uses Tray to connect Segment turned to platform, the only limit is in ideas about how to and GetFeedback, and then automatically send connect data to action, whereas before we were customer satisfaction surveys within an active Phase I Solution: Integrate and automate two limited by technical capabilities or level user base of more than a half-million customers. core systems with of effort.” While the team at DigitalOcean was skeptical Some of the additional use cases DigitalOcean - Driving broader visibility with alerts at first, it quickly realized that the Sales has already implemented with Tray include: Tray creates Slack alerts based on form fills and and Marketing Cloud could do everything that status changes in Salesforce to create greater DigitalOcean needed and more. From Tray’s deep - Adding location data to improve visibility into actions. expertise in Marketo to its ability to handle data customer segmentation from millions of events per day from Segment, DigitalOcean uses Tray to pull in data originating - Results: Use data streaming for just-in-time, the integration platform vendor was exactly what in its cloud platform and enrich the data personalized marketing Dorman’s team was looking for. with geolocation information. Tray then puts Tray is now a core part of the DigitalOcean With help from the Customer Success the enriched data into Segment, where it’s marketing technology stack. “With Tray, we can Team, DigitalOcean mapped its workload, made available to other applications within update and integrate workflows and transform defined what it wanted to achieve, and solved DigitalOcean. data without needing any engineering resources,” its most pressing integration issue. The Tray says Dorman. “Tray is the solution to workflow - Sharing test result data for real-time insight gaps that we wouldn’t have linked up before solution to integrate Segment and Marketo and agility because of the effort.” Adds Hattemer, “Lower was in production in less than 30 days with complexity things that we would have had to go no development resources required. “Tray’s Tray pulls data on email and on-boarding tests Customer Success Team is fantastic,” says from Segment and summarizes the results before 16

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