Section 4: Lead Enrichment Lead Enrichment: Complete Lead Data for Faster Follow-Up The key to clean, reliable data that means more wins Lead enrichment is another important step valuable leads. (This is part of the reason bad to tackle this problem, matching leads based in the lead management process across the data costs companies an estimated $3 trillion on email domain, company name, and other [10] full marketing lifecycle for leads. If you’ve ever annually in the US. ) information. Research suggests that 90% reviewed a list of your company’s leads after of companies use at least two different a campaign, you’ve probably seen the telltale Your options: Use lead enrichment providers[11] since each vendor has gaps in lead details - first name, last name, enrichment solutions a unique dataset. company name, phone number, company size, and/or manual data • Manual lead enrichment: Another common address, or any other fields you need to qualify practice for marketers is to utilize a manual lead and route leads according to your business enrichment enrichment service, paying human researchers priorities/rules. around the globe to fill in the gaps that your Trying to manually enrich your own leads enrichment solutions couldn’t match.[12] You can’t just ignore those incomplete or yourself isn’t practical. It’s a time-consuming unenriched leads. They cost your business process that would require you to play detective, So, getting your incomplete leads enriched time and money to capture. And they could scouring company websites, Google, and tends to be a matter of using a lead enrichment still become high-value opportunities. But you individual LinkedIn and social media profiles. solution, manual lead enrichment, or both. can’t act on them if they’re missing important Seems simple enough. data. To make matters more challenging, That’s why it’s common for marketers to look for anywhere from 20-25% of your contact external help. There are, of course, two primary But lead enrichment poses another challenge [9] options: that isn’t as easy to deal with. database decays every year . Why? People who have engaged with your company may change • Lead enrichment solutions: Excellent tools jobs. Their company may move. And so on. Not such as Clearbit, Datafox, DiscoverOrg, and having fully-formed lead data can slow, if not D&B Optimizer use sophisticated software completely halt, your ability to follow up with 10

How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle - Page 10 How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle Page 9 Page 11