Part I: Identify new leads • FALSE - Set Owner Data: If the Boolean and begin lead assignment operator determines a “false” outcome - that the lead owner field is not set properly - it process corrects the owner field. The first steps in our journey involve identifying • TRUE - Random Number: If the Boolean an inbound lead, verifying against MAP records, operator determines a “true” outcome - that and beginning the assignment process. the lead owner field is properly set for being sales-ready - it generates a random number to decide which member of the SDR team gets the lead assignment. • Workflow Branch: This branching helper then • Data Helper - Load Owner Data: Next, the opens up branching logic to account for the workflow, having determined the owner of this multiple members of the SDR team. lead, loads the owner’s identity to transfer into outbound sequencing, in this case, provided by Part II: Round Robin Outreach. leads to SDRs and begin • Outreach - Find Prospect: Next, the workflow outbound process loads the lead owner into Outreach and locates that lead’s data within the Outreach platform. • Webhook: The process starts with a webhook- The next leg of this automated workflow based trigger that begins whenever a new lead assigns the lead to the appropriate SDR, then Part III: Confirm lead exists is captured and validates it against records automatically kicks off the outbound email in sequencing and begin within the marketing platform. sequencing process. outbound outreach • Data Helper - Assign to: These steps in the • Boolean If/Then: The workflow then workflow branch accept the data from the The final part of this automated GAP workflow determines whether the owner field for the Random Number helper in our previous steps. briefly determines whether this lead’s lead is properly filled out at sales-ready Depending on the random number generated, information exists in Outreach, then places the status. the lead either gets assigned to SDR Jack or lead into a sequence to begin outbound. SDR Jill. 23

How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle - Page 23 How to Automate the Entire Lead Lifecycle Page 22 Page 24